COVID-19 information, guidance, and resources. Information about campus return and fall quarter planning.

College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences


UC Riverside

CNAS Undergraduate Academic Advising Center



Important message about advising during this time: the UCR campus continues to follow the Governor's stay-at-home order so advising staff continue working remotely.  Instruction is also being conducted remotely (see Summer Session ) through Fall 2023.  However, the CNAS Undergraduate Academic Advising Center staff are still available to assist students and our services continue to be offered online during this time.


To access or contact your academic advisor, see information below:
  • Email (primary  method) - visit your major's advising page for your advisor's contact information
  • Zoom - online 30-minute appointments set up by your advisor or "online drop-in sessions" you can access through  Follow this link for more details on how to schedule an online drop-in session with your advisor  
For more academic resources to students during this time, you can visit:


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  • Declare or change your major
  • Declare a minor
  • Repeat a class for the second time (third time taking)
  • Take a course or courses outside of UCR 
  • Request divisonal dean's approval, if necessary
  • Take a leave of absence from the university
  • Withdraw from the university
  • Readmit to the university


Location: 1223 Pierce Hall
Call: 951 827-7294 or 951 827-3102
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: *9am-12pm & 1-4pm (*We open at 10am on Wednesdays)

Appointments       Email



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Remote Advising Procedures
Remote Learning
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Summer Header
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Learn More About Summer Classes
USRA Scholarship
USRA Distinguished Undergraduate Awards
Deadline for Fall 2023 - Aug 7


Click on the link below to watch a video about one of our students who is involved in a variety of campus programs and events while also staying on track to finish her undergraduate study in four years. With help from her academic advisor, this student has managed to keep her busy schedule under control with academics as a priority.

  • Watch Video
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